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January 9th 2020

From the management  Welcome back to a new semester! During the break some CEC staff has been moving to new offices on the second floor and on the ground floor. More people are moving during the next couple of weeks according to the plan sent out in the newsletter before the break. The report of the oversight of the organization and long-time financing of CEC has been presented to the Faculty Mana - 2025-03-05

CEC Kollegium

Teachers and researchers who have their, full or part of, employment at CEC meet in the CEC Kollegium to increase synergies, strengthen exchange of information and experience and to develop the co-operation between CEC and other departments at Lund University. The common aim of the Kollegium is to: strengthen the development of interdisciplinary environmental-, climate- and sustainability-related - 2025-03-05

January 23rd 2020

From the management The Management group discussed the post graduate education in Environmental Science with the director and administration involved. The program in developing well, and the students are actively taking part in the development. The format of the yearly Spring meeting in being changed to promote more interactions between students and supervisors, and joint seminars on Environmental - 2025-03-05

Newsletters 2019

The CEC Fellows Newsletter aims to keep you up to date with news and events from the CEC Fellows society, funding opportunities, and selected news from the wider research society as well as from governmental bodies and other stakeholders. Here you find the CEC Fellows newsletters from 2019. 2019 Read our past newsletters at  Newsletter December 2019 Newsletter November 2019 Newsletter Octo - 2025-03-05

Doctoral students

Who can I turn to as a PhD student?For any general questions about your doctoral studentship, contact the human resources administrator. You can also ask your supervisor.This website has information on what rules apply for an employment as doctoral student at CEC. Please note that this information is general. For information that applies to you specifically you should contact your human resources - 2025-03-05


An employment as a doctoral student usually lasts four years, but we make the employment decision one year at a time. After four years, we can extend employment for, among other things, parental leave and institutional service. Save your documentationDocumentation covering at least 5 working days is required for an extension of your appointment to be granted. Documentation for extension of the doc - 2025-03-05


When a doctoral student is admitted, he or she is automatically registered in Ladok. However, the courses that the doctoral student attends and completes within his or her postgraduate studies must be reported in Ladok. Ensure that the courses are reported as soon as possible after completion. Check regularly that all completed courses are registered in Ladok.  Send the filled out and signed form - 2025-03-05

Salary increase in stages

Your responsibilityIt is the responsibility of the doctoral student together with the supervisor to ensure that applications for salary increase are submitted when the necessary credits have been earned. The application is submitted to the human resources administrator to be signed by the head of department. The doctoral student’s salary is increased in stages according to a salary ladder on compl - 2025-03-05

Field work

In addition to the outdoor work, field work involves many administrative tasks, which can be a little complicated to keep track of. Here are manuals, checklists and other documents that may be helpful to you. ContactsEmployment, time reports, insurance, risk of TBE infection: human resources administratorTravel bills: Rebecca Malmström (Finance administrator)Lucat: Lena Söderberg (Administrator)Pu - 2025-03-05

February 6th 2020

Letter from the Director As some of you already know, the faculty has made an analysis of what is required to secure the long-term organisational and economic stability of CEC. A report by Michael Calner, as well as comments on the report by CEC, was recently discussed in the faculty leadership group (“ledningsrådet”). A short summary of that meeting is that the faculty leadership as well as the h - 2025-03-05

February 19th

Attachemnts to this newsletter: Program "High School Days" Kitchen duties From the management Welcome to the CEC conference Science says! Mobilizing the knowledge of our time: The IPCC and IPBES reports, filled with activities to raise awareness of the knowledge of our times on environmental and climate issues! It will be a place for science and society/stakeholders to meet, discuss and exchange e - 2025-03-05

What is a Community of Practices (CoP)?

Communities of Practices (CoP) are transdisciplinary working groups: consisting of individuals from academia and public-private organizations who share a common goal, a set of challenges, or a passion for innovative solutions; that come together to fulfill both individual and group goals, as well as support and amplify education, research and dissemination activities of the BIEOCONOMY-GRS What is - 2025-03-05

March 5th 2020

From the management Congratulations to Edith Hammer at CEC and the Department of Biology, who has been appointed Future Research Leader of the Foundation for Strategic Research. She is one of twenty researchers who receive 12 million SEK from the foundation for five years to work on a research project. There will be two CEC Staff days this semester open for CEC employees, PhD students in Environme - 2025-03-05

Applying for funding – CEC checklist

Here you find information about the checklist that is to be sent to the CEC finance team. PLEASE NOTE that HEU applications now have separate Checklists:Link to HEU General information - Checklist below is for all other funding applications and has 2 purposes:One is to make sure that the project can be hosted at CEC as described on the Applying for funding start page.The second purpos - 2025-03-05

Full cost application

When applying for research funding, a full cost estimate must be prepared. The full cost calculation is made in consultation with the economist at CEC and needs to be finalized 2 weeks before the call deadline. The CEC checklist functions as a starting point for the Full cost application. If you have submitted a checklist to the financial officer latest 1 month before the call deadline you will re - 2025-03-05

Administrative guide CEC 2021

Routines for financial management and purchasing. In the administrative guide you will find information about: Budget OH and local costs Calculation of personnel costs Cost centers at CEC Billing address, delivery address, visiting address and internal letter address Booking of business travel, regulations and advice on travel Purchasing and invoicing Download the administrative guide 2021 (xlsx, - 2025-03-05

Funding opportunities

Here you find a selection of open calls, and below that a list of relevant funders. Note that all calls and news related to Horizon Europe will be posted on the Horizon Europe support page (left margin). ---------------------------------------------Open calls and opportunitiesThis list contains open calls that has come to our knowledge. We are specifically monitoring FORMAS, VR, Swedish EPA, Fysio - 2025-03-05

Theme 1: Synergies and trade-offs

between agricultural production and delivery of multiple ecosystem services The overall objectives of this theme are to assess how agricultural land-use at different spatial and temporal scales affects biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services, and to visualize these effects in ecological production functions. An important first step in this work is to understand how species identity, dominance - 2025-03-05

IT support, facility management

Support and services in the Ecology building. IT support for employees at CEC Contact the Biology helpdesk for:  Computer loans  Orders Student and staff service Technology problems in papercut printers Adding people to Z folders Et cetera Biology's IT service is responsible for technology and hardware and if Jan Johansson (Janne) is available, he will take the case as he is the principal responsi - 2025-03-05